Browntown, WI area businesses choose Linux for many reasons. It's free, it's secure, it's stable, and it's fast.
It's also not the right fit for every problem. When we work with Browntown, WI area businesses, our first step is to sort out the benefits and costs of a Linux solution versus other proprietary and closed source options.
If Linux makes sense, we work with you from beginning to end to design, implement, and test your Linux solution. And we are there going forward to help you maintain and update your Linux solution as your business needs change.
Already using Linux in your Business? You're not alone - many Browntown, WI area businesses are already using Linux for business critical tasks.
NextPhase offers remote access and on-site support services for Linux desktops, servers, and network equipment in the Browntown, WI area. We also offer preventative maintenance services which help flush out problems before downtime occurs.
As your business needs change, we work with you to update and upgrade your Linux systems to meet your needs going forward - whether that means adding more capacity or improving reliability and uptime.